Summer Lecture Series

Green Elegant Women's Equality Day Instagram Post.png

On Break

After today, I’m on break for a few weeks. I’m in need of the cave, some respite and retreat. I’ll head to the woods this time around. Uninterrupted by the screen. I’m a performer at heart, so this social media outlet serves such a specific part of my true spirit. I make things for you. Everything I create is meant to be an accessible gift. But the screen is not the same as the stage. The screen has a way of keeping us way longer than the stage does, working us for free, hour after hour. It’s an intense labor, this screen time, and I need to replenish. I’ll read poetry aloud to no one, I’ll study, dance, and sing. I’ll listen to the non-human voices of the world and translate them. I’ll be sure to report back in full lyric, with honor, with pleasure. I truly learn a lot through this screen work—mainly through the challenges it brings, but also through some real inspiration. Thank you for such a powerful year in this weird electronic space of shared expression. You all keep me afloat. Email me if it’s urgent. And please, go read my books. That makes it all tangible and worthwhile. This poem is from The Edge of the Continent Volume Three - The Desert.

Insight Timer Audio Course

Throughout the process of sharing EVERY DAY IS A POEM, I’ve challenged myself to offer up my work in as many ways as possible, to think like a teacher and provide a various array of methods in which one can engage with poetry. So when the folks at Insight Timer asked me to expand on the ideas of my latest book and create a 10 day audio course for their listeners, I brought my craft and voice to another level. A companion piece to my book and a lot of me reciting my favorite poems, this course goes beyond the page and into the depths of poetic practice. I hope you enjoy it!